Corporate Concentration of Wealth
TELEVISION AND FILMS Large corporate Media and their parent companies; DISNEY (The worlds largest media company) * ABC * ESPN * PIXAR * 21st Cetury Fox * MIRAMAX * MARVEL Studios * Lucas Films COMCAST (TV and ISP service provider) * NBC Universal-(NBC, CNBC, MSNBC) * AT&T Broadband- AT&TU * Sky […]
Jesus’s Church: A Political Body
Western theology has always preached that Jesus Christ is going unite humanity and put an end to strife and want. Most preachers, for example, speak beautifully about how the spirit of Christ in you can completely eliminate conflict and create a brotherhood of man. Nobody who calls themselves Christian can disagree. However, religious headmen place […]
The Power To Define
The power to define: the power to direct minds and conditions that will cause specific results in a struggle. The Power to define is as important as the power to control. In fact, the power to define is one of the greatest weapons that can be used to control men and nations. The power to […]
The 2008 Financial Crisis
The financial crisis of 2008 was the logical conclusion of free market development of the financial sector–itself the logical result of the incentives of capitalist competition. In that sense, the economic downturn demonstrates the inherent instability of capitalism itself. The story of the collapse starts and ends in the real estate market. Until a few […]
Heaven: A Social Political Analysis
What does it mean? Where will it be, what will it be and how does it look ? There are many different answers to these questions. But one must consider that many people’s imagination of heaven can be misleading. Some who claim to be religious say no one knows where heaven will be or what […]
God’s Social Genius Baffles Capitalists
Under capitalism, everything is game. Whether human life, labor power, earth, knowledge, ideas, thought or other abstract concepts: if it can be bought, sold, traded, invested in or speculated on, it becomes commodified. Once absorbed by capital circulation each are disciplined to the rigors of value creation. Profit for the sake of profit then becomes […]
Fruits of Globalization: Poverty Wages
On October 2nd, 2016 the World Bank released an estimation that 767 million people live in extreme poverty, subsisting on less than $1.90 a day. Their poverty lines are for 15 of the world’s most dirt poor countries and typically calculate the amount of money that would allow a person to eat enough calories in […]
The Gospel Of Messiah & The Sign Of Discipleship
Badge of discipleship Uncompromising, loyal, educated, fearless, selfless, courageous, faithful, loving and broken into his calling. Enemies to the enemies of life. Being altogether with the word of God armed and dangerous. In short, hardened revolutionaries. These are the first students of Jesus Christ. For nearly 4 years they learned and collaborated with the master […]
Moses: The Enemy Of The State!
Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels bear witness in the Communist Manifesto that “the history of hitherto all existing societies is the history of class struggles.” The bible tells us the same thing, before and after the flood. Of freeman and slave. Partisan and plebeian. Of lord and surf. Guild master and journeyman. In short, oppressor […]
In with the Rich, Out with the Poor
It sounds so innocuous, so beneficial: “revitalization.” Who wouldn’t want their neighborhood to have better stores and public facilities, less crime, high property values? Renters, that’s who–and low-income homeowners who can’t afford high property taxes, and anyone the police will target when they step up patrols to protect the new arrivals. As wealthy people buy […]